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The second article covering my attempt to implement a HTTP/3 server from scratch in Rust. Having looked at the QUIC protocol at length in the previous article, this one sees how HTTP/3 is implemented atop it.
This is the 2nd of the 2 articles that currently make up the “HTTP/3 in Practice” series, the first of which was HTTP/3 in Practice — QUIC.
Read article ( 51 minutes )
The first in what I hope will be a series of articles covering my attempts to implement a HTTP/3 server from scratch in Rust. This article outlines my goals and looks at the QUIC protocol on which HTTP/3 is implemented.
This is the 1st of the 2 articles that currently make up the “HTTP/3 in Practice” series.
Read article ( 73 minutes )
The second of my two articles covering features added in Python 3.3, this one talks about a large number of changes to the standard library, especially in network and OS modules. I also discuss implicit namespace packages, which are a bit niche but can be useful for maintaining large families of packages.
This is the 5th of the 35 articles that currently make up the “Python 3 Releases” series, the first of which was What’s New in Python 3.0.
Read article ( 40 minutes )
I write most of my blog articles and make other changes to my site whilst on my daily commute. The limitations of poor network reception different hardware have forced me to come up with a streamlined process for it and I thought it might be helpful to share in case it’s helpful for anyone else.
Read article ( 9 minutes )
My website now looks hopefully very slightly less terrible on mobile devices, and I learned a few things getting there.
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I recently ran into some odd font sizing issues when viewing my website on my iPhone and discovered a few interesting tidbits about rendering on mobile browsers along the way.
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After eighteen years there’s a new version of HTTP. Having heard comparatively little about it until now, I decided to take a quick look.
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Why have webservers been so slow to accept chunked requests?
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I recently had to do a few not-quite-trivial things with the Jinja2 templating engine, and the more I use it the more I like it.
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Github’s web hooks make it surprisingly easy to write commit triggers.
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