June 2022

python 37

☑ What’s New in Python 3.7 - Library Updates

In this series looking at features introduced by every version of Python 3, we complete our look at 3.7 by checking the changes in the standard library. These include three new modules, as well as changes across many other modules.

This is the 16th of the 35 articles that currently make up the “Python 3 Releases” series, the first of which was What’s New in Python 3.0.

Read article ( 40 minutes )

5 Jun 2022 at 2:40PM in Software
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October 2021

python 37

☑ What’s New in Python 3.7 - New Features

In this series looking at features introduced by every version of Python 3, we begin to look at version 3.7 by seeing what major new features were added. These include several improvements to type annotations, some behaviour to cope with imperfect locale information, and a number of diagnostic improvements.

This is the 15th of the 35 articles that currently make up the “Python 3 Releases” series, the first of which was What’s New in Python 3.0.

Read article ( 18 minutes )

27 Oct 2021 at 12:35PM in Software
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August 2021

python 36

☑ What’s New in Python 3.6 - Module Updates

In this series looking at features introduced by every version of Python 3, we finish our look at the updates in Python 3.6. This third and final article looks at the updates to library modules in this release. These include some asyncio improvements, new enumeration types and some new options for use with sockets and SSL.

This is the 14th of the 35 articles that currently make up the “Python 3 Releases” series, the first of which was What’s New in Python 3.0.

Read article ( 26 minutes )

22 Aug 2021 at 12:56AM in Software
Photo by Meg Jerrard on Unsplash

July 2021

python 36

☑ What’s New in Python 3.6 - More New Features

In this series looking at features introduced by every version of Python 3, we continue our look at the features added in Python 3.6. This second article looks at some more of the new features added to the language added in this release. These include a new secrets module, a new implementation of the dict object and better support for path-like objects.

This is the 13th of the 35 articles that currently make up the “Python 3 Releases” series, the first of which was What’s New in Python 3.0.

Read article ( 18 minutes )

python 36

☑ What’s New in Python 3.6 - New Features

In this series looking at features introduced by every version of Python 3, we now move on to look at new features added in Python 3.6. This first article looks at some of the most significant new features added to the language added in this release. These include a new string formatting method, type hinting on variables, and asynchronous generators and comprehensions.

This is the 12th of the 35 articles that currently make up the “Python 3 Releases” series, the first of which was What’s New in Python 3.0.

Read article ( 23 minutes )

25 Jul 2021 at 6:10PM in Software
Photo by Meg Jerrard on Unsplash
python 35

☑ What’s New in Python 3.5 - Module Improvements

In this series looking at features introduced by every version of Python 3, this is the fourth looking at Python 3.5. In it we look at the major updates to the standard library which were made in this release. These include various Internet protocol module enhancements, some asyncio features, and some restrictions on regular expression syntax have been lifted.

This is the 11th of the 35 articles that currently make up the “Python 3 Releases” series, the first of which was What’s New in Python 3.0.

Read article ( 32 minutes )

May 2021

python 35

☑ What’s New in Python 3.5 - Other Additions

In this series looking at features introduced by every version of Python 3, this is the third looking at Python 3.5. In it we look at the remaining new syntax and some other language additions. These include a matrix multiplication operator, enhancements to argument unpacking and handling of StopIterator exceptions within generators.

This is the 10th of the 35 articles that currently make up the “Python 3 Releases” series, the first of which was What’s New in Python 3.0.

Read article ( 17 minutes )

10 May 2021 at 2:15PM in Software
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python 35

☑ What’s New in 3.5 - Type Hinting

In this series looking at features introduced by every version of Python 3, this is the second looking at Python 3.5. In it we examine another of the significant new features in this release, type hinting.

This is the 9th of the 35 articles that currently make up the “Python 3 Releases” series, the first of which was What’s New in Python 3.0.

Read article ( 20 minutes )

2 May 2021 at 1:06PM in Software
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April 2021

python 35

☑ What’s New in Python 3.5 - Coroutines

In this series looking at features introduced by every version of Python 3, this is the first looking at Python 3.5. In it we examine one of the major new improvements in this release, new syntax for coroutines.

This is the 8th of the 35 articles that currently make up the “Python 3 Releases” series, the first of which was What’s New in Python 3.0.

Read article ( 24 minutes )

18 Apr 2021 at 4:08PM in Software
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python 34

☑ What’s New in Python 3.4 - Part 2

In this series looking at features introduced by every version of Python 3, this one is the second of two covering release 3.4. We look at improvements to the way multiprocessing spawns child processes, various powerful new facilities for code instrospection, improvements to garbage collection, and a lot more besides.

This is the 7th of the 35 articles that currently make up the “Python 3 Releases” series, the first of which was What’s New in Python 3.0.

Read article ( 47 minutes )

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