December 2022

python 310

☑ What’s New in Python 3.10 - Library Changes

In this series looking at features introduced by every version of Python 3, we conclude our look at Python 3.10 by looking at updates to the standard library modules.

This is the 23rd of the 35 articles that currently make up the “Python 3 Releases” series, the first of which was What’s New in Python 3.0.

Read article ( 31 minutes )

November 2022

python 39

☑ What’s New in Python 3.9 - Library Changes

In this series looking at features introduced by every version of Python 3, we continue our look at Python 3.9 by going through the notable changes in the standard library. These include concurrency improvements with changes to asyncio, concurrent.futures, and multiprocessing; networking features with enhancements to ipaddress, imaplib, and socket; and some additional OS features in os and pathlib.

This is the 20th of the 35 articles that currently make up the “Python 3 Releases” series, the first of which was What’s New in Python 3.0.

Read article ( 15 minutes )

5 Nov 2022 at 2:32PM in Software
Photo by Jan Kopriva on Unsplash

July 2022

python 38

☑ What’s New in Python 3.8 - Library Changes

In this series looking at features introduced by every version of Python 3, we continue our look at Python 3.8, examining changes to the standard library. These include some useful new functionality in functools, some new mathematical functions in math and statistics, some improvements for running servers on dual-stack hosts in asyncio and socket, and also a number of new features in typing.

This is the 18th of the 35 articles that currently make up the “Python 3 Releases” series, the first of which was What’s New in Python 3.0.

Read article ( 46 minutes )

August 2021

python 36

☑ What’s New in Python 3.6 - Module Updates

In this series looking at features introduced by every version of Python 3, we finish our look at the updates in Python 3.6. This third and final article looks at the updates to library modules in this release. These include some asyncio improvements, new enumeration types and some new options for use with sockets and SSL.

This is the 14th of the 35 articles that currently make up the “Python 3 Releases” series, the first of which was What’s New in Python 3.0.

Read article ( 26 minutes )

22 Aug 2021 at 12:56AM in Software
Photo by Meg Jerrard on Unsplash

May 2021

python 35

☑ What’s New in Python 3.5 - Other Additions

In this series looking at features introduced by every version of Python 3, this is the third looking at Python 3.5. In it we look at the remaining new syntax and some other language additions. These include a matrix multiplication operator, enhancements to argument unpacking and handling of StopIterator exceptions within generators.

This is the 10th of the 35 articles that currently make up the “Python 3 Releases” series, the first of which was What’s New in Python 3.0.

Read article ( 17 minutes )

10 May 2021 at 2:15PM in Software
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April 2021

python 34

☑ What’s New in Python 3.4 - Part 1

In this series looking at features introduced by every version of Python 3, this one is the first of two covering release 3.4. We look at a universal install of the pip utility, improvements to handling codecs, and the addition of the asyncio and enum modules, among other things.

This is the 6th of the 35 articles that currently make up the “Python 3 Releases” series, the first of which was What’s New in Python 3.0.

Read article ( 28 minutes )

February 2021

python 32

☑ What’s New in Python 3.2

Another installment in my look at all the new features added to Python in each 3.x release, this one covering 3.2. There’s a lot covered including the argparse module, support for futures, changes to the GIL implementation, SNI support in SSL/TLS, and much more besides. This is my longest article ever by far! If you’re puzzled why I’m looking at releases that are years old, check out the first post in the series.

This is the 3rd of the 35 articles that currently make up the “Python 3 Releases” series, the first of which was What’s New in Python 3.0.

Read article ( 48 minutes )

February 2013

maths blackboard

☑ (A)IEEE, maths!

Writing some notes on IEEE 754 led to discovering a nifty way to render formulae on the web.

Read article ( 1 minute )

25 Feb 2013 at 1:18PM in Software
Photo by Roman Mager on Unsplash