Another installment in my look at all the new features added to Python in each 3.x release, this one covering 3.2. There’s a lot covered including the argparse module, support for futures, changes to the GIL implementation, SNI support in SSL/TLS, and much more besides. This is my longest article ever by far! If you’re puzzled why I’m looking at releases that are years old, check out the first post in the series.
This is the 3rd of the 35 articles that currently make up the “Python 3 Releases” series, the first of which was What’s New in Python 3.0.
Read article ( 48 minutes )
This article continues to series looking at features added in each release of Python 3.x, with this one covering the move from 3.0 to 3.1. It includes the new contains OrderedDict and Counter, making modules executable as scripts, and marking unit tests as known failures. If you’re puzzled why I’m looking at releases that are years old, check out the first post in the series.
This is the 2nd of the 35 articles that currently make up the “Python 3 Releases” series, the first of which was What’s New in Python 3.0.
Read article ( 19 minutes )