Articles on current page (71-80 of 101)

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April 2015

child map

☑ C++11: Library Changes: Threading, Tuples, Hashing and Regexes

I’ve finally started to look into the new features in C++11 and I thought it would be useful to jot down the highlights, for myself or anyone else who’s curious. Since there’s a lot of ground to cover, I’m going to look at each item in its own post — this is the first of the final two that cover what I feel to be the most important changes to the standard template library.

This is the 7th of the 8 articles that currently make up the “C++11 Features” series, the first of which was C++11: Move Semantics.

Read article ( 11 minutes )

13 Apr 2015 at 7:26AM in Software
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March 2015

city smog

☑ An Unhealthy Environment

Recently I’ve been writing code to spawn child processes that had to deal with the POSIX functions for querying and manipulating environment variables. I’ve only just realised how truly awful this interface is in the context of modern multi-threaded applications, and this post is simply me sharing the pain.

Read article ( 4 minutes )

25 Mar 2015 at 7:28AM in Software
Photo by Alex Gindin on Unsplash
intersection traffic jam

☑ Hash Collision Fun

When dealing with data structures that involve hashing, most commonly hash tables, it’s fairly common knowledge that your choice of hash function is an important performance consideration. What’s perhaps less well known is that it can be an important security consideration too - this article briefly discusses why.

Read article ( 2 minutes )

20 Mar 2015 at 7:36AM in Software
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February 2015

beach gymnast

☑ Agile Government

I’m quite a fan of Agile software development, but it seems that the same approach can be used in a wide variety of other industry areas. In this post I’ll briefly describe how I discovered a very Agile-sounding approach to nursing in Holland.

Read article ( 3 minutes )

19 Feb 2015 at 7:47AM in Politics
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December 2014

netflix tv

☑ Netflix Neutrality

Well, after almost a year’s downtime I’ve finally found time to get my blog up and running again and even actually write an entry. Spurred by articles on Netflix’s rampant traffic growth last month, I’ve decided to lay down my thoughts on the related topic of Net Neutrality, which may be somewhat at odds with many in the technology community. This is a fairly old topic these days, but one that I think will be relevant for some time to come yet.

Read article ( 11 minutes )

19 Dec 2014 at 7:49AM in Software
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January 2014

child map

☑ C++11: Other language changes

I’ve finally started to look into the new features in C++11 and I thought it would be useful to jot down the highlights, for myself or anyone else who’s curious. Since there’s a lot of ground to cover, I’m going to look at each item in its own post — this one covers a miscellaneous set of language improvements which I haven’t yet discussed.

This is the 6th of the 8 articles that currently make up the “C++11 Features” series, the first of which was C++11: Move Semantics.

Read article ( 7 minutes )

19 Jan 2014 at 11:09PM in Software
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November 2013

child map

☑ C++11: Template changes

I’ve finally started to look into the new features in C++11 and I thought it would be useful to jot down the highlights, for myself or anyone else who’s curious. Since there’s a lot of ground to cover, I’m going to look at each item in its own post — this one covers improvements to template declaration and instantiation.

This is the 5th of the 8 articles that currently make up the “C++11 Features” series, the first of which was C++11: Move Semantics.

Read article ( 5 minutes )

26 Nov 2013 at 7:12AM in Software
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September 2013

child map

☑ C++11: Function and method changes

I’ve finally started to look into the new features in C++11 and I thought it would be useful to jot down the highlights, for myself or anyone else who’s curious. Since there’s a lot of ground to cover, I’m going to look at each item in its own post — this one covers various changes to function and method declaration and definition.

This is the 4th of the 8 articles that currently make up the “C++11 Features” series, the first of which was C++11: Move Semantics.

Read article ( 13 minutes )

17 Sep 2013 at 7:50PM in Software
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child map

☑ C++11: Type inference and constant expressions

I’ve finally started to look into the new features in C++11 and I thought it would be useful to jot down the highlights, for myself or anyone else who’s curious. Since there’s a lot of ground to cover, I’m going to look at each item in its own post — this one covers automatic type inference and generalised constant expressions.

This is the 3rd of the 8 articles that currently make up the “C++11 Features” series, the first of which was C++11: Move Semantics.

Read article ( 4 minutes )

4 Sep 2013 at 7:38PM in Software
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August 2013

penguin herd

☑ Process groups and sessions

I finally took a little time to get my head around POSIX process groups and sessions.

Read article ( 12 minutes )

21 Aug 2013 at 9:26PM in Software
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