Another installment in my look at all the new features added to Python in each 3.x release, this one covering 3.2. There’s a lot covered including the argparse module, support for futures, changes to the GIL implementation, SNI support in SSL/TLS, and much more besides. This is my longest article ever by far! If you’re puzzled why I’m looking at releases that are years old, check out the first post in the series.
This is the 3rd of the 36 articles that currently make up the “Python 3 Releases” series, the first of which was What’s New in Python 3.0.
Read article ( 48 minutes )
This article continues to series looking at features added in each release of Python 3.x, with this one covering the move from 3.0 to 3.1. It includes the new contains OrderedDict and Counter, making modules executable as scripts, and marking unit tests as known failures. If you’re puzzled why I’m looking at releases that are years old, check out the first post in the series.
This is the 2nd of the 36 articles that currently make up the “Python 3 Releases” series, the first of which was What’s New in Python 3.0.
Read article ( 19 minutes )
I was slow to make the transition from Python 2 to 3 in the first place, and I never felt like I kept up properly with the new features. So I’m going to aim to do a series of articles looking at a different Python version in each and go through the new features added and catch myself up properly. This one addresses features added in Python 3.0 beyond those already in 2.6, including Unicode by default, type annotations, and exception chaining.
This is the 1st of the 36 articles that currently make up the “Python 3 Releases” series.
Read article ( 33 minutes )
Rust is fairly new multi-paradigm system programming language that claims to offer both high performance and strong safety guarantees, particularly around concurrency and memory allocation. As I play with the language a little, I’m using this series of blog posts to discuss some of its more unique features as I come across them. This one discusses Rust’s data types and powerful match operator.
This is the 2nd of the 7 articles that currently make up the “Uncovering Rust” series, the first of which was Uncovering Rust: References and Ownership.
Read article ( 18 minutes )
Rust is fairly new multi-paradigm system programmating langauge that claims to offer both high performance and strong safety guarantees, particularly around concurrency and memory allocation. As I play with the language a little, I’m using this series of blog posts to discuss some of its more unique features as I come across them. This one talks about Rust’s ownership model.
This is the 1st of the 7 articles that currently make up the “Uncovering Rust” series.
Read article ( 18 minutes )
Recently I had cause to find out where a particular process is currently writing a file on MacOS and I wanted to describe how I went about it for reference.
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After many years of separation I was recently reunited with the venerable old FTP protocol. The years haven’t been kind to it.
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I write most of my blog articles and make other changes to my site whilst on my daily commute. The limitations of poor network reception different hardware have forced me to come up with a streamlined process for it and I thought it might be helpful to share in case it’s helpful for anyone else.
Read article ( 9 minutes )
I voted against Brexit as I feel the UK is significantly better within the EU. However, the looming uncertainty over whether the UK will follow through is much worse than either option.
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My website now looks hopefully very slightly less terrible on mobile devices, and I learned a few things getting there.
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